post Covid mental well being

So we have survived Covid! or have we ?

There is emerging evidence of anxiety and other mental health issues at this time we are in. In fact, One of the governments main concern  is the mental welfare of the country. The most common issues affecting our wellbeing are worry about the future (63%), feeling stressed or anxious (56%) and feeling bored (49%).

One thing I’ve learnt  as we’ve  gone through this time,  is that humans are resilient! we are wired that way! we can survive great oppression and continue to live on. We have survived slavery, holocaust, wars, earthquakes and we are still moving forward. We are stronger than we think!

It is important to remember that we all have a reserve of resilience but we need to believe in ourselves and get that strength to sustain us in times of challenges. I am not belittling or denying real problems people are going through!. it is hard out there and i’ve met people who are really suffering as a result of Covid.

While some degree of worry is understandable, we have to pay attention that it does not dominate our lives.

so here are some tips on how to deal with anxiety and stress as we come out of lockdown:

-Don’t binge on news; use news sparingly to stay updated

-Go for walks; fresh air and environment is good for the mind and good exercise

-Talk to people on the phone or social media

-Practice breathing ; it relieves stress physically and mentally

-Practice mindfulness: Live in the now  letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. Live your life consciously.

-If you are struggling get help. Don’t wait too long, it ill get you down